As light painters we understand the needs of the market

After a few years enjoying my passion for light painting the it quickly became apparent the lack of profesional tools for practicing light painting and the dubious quality of those that did exist.


For this reason the LightPainting Paradise team have deveoped a meticulous process for developing our products which allows us to create the most versatile and optimized light painting tools for fans of light painting.

Did you know that…


We make our own exclusive products

designed for and by light painters – adapting

them to the needs of the end user.

We patenta all our custom-designed and manufactured products.

Currently we have 3 registered patents

with another 2 patents in the process of registration.

We are the only company in the world manufacturing flashlights

with features designed specifically for light painters.

Get to know our “Light Path” design process


Our “light path” design process consists of 5 phases which we follow meticulously when manufacturing a new product in order to ensure maximum quality and versatility in all our products.


We analyze the needs and products offered by the market and discuss them with the team of ambassadors.

From here comes a brainstorming to meet the four basic principles: economical, light, versatile and quality.


In this step, we start with some preliminary designs – working out what would be the best materials, the ideal dimensions and what the most ergonomic and comfortable form would be.


Ay this point in the process we start creating our first prototypes. In most cases we actually construct several different iterations of the same product, playing with various parameters to try to optimize the final product as much as possible.


The first prototypes are then sent out to our team of ambassadors who don’t just bring us ideas and example images but also test out the usability and durability of all our products.

Based on their feedback we make, if required, the last changes to the product and repeat the process until they are happy with it.


By this point we have decided on the final configuration of the product and the next step is getting it to production – deciding on the ideal packaging, deciding on the manufacturing process, creating product photos and descriptions for the website and patenting the resulting product.

Through this methodical process you can have full confidence that your new LightPainting Paradise tool is not going to let you down.

Want to find out more about our products?