Workshop Denis Smith


Aimed at all those interested in learning light painting techniques from Denis Smith, an internationally renowned light painter famous for his perfect light orbs who will be coming all the way from Australia to share his knowledge of light painting with you.

If you want to learn how he achieves results such as his incredible night-time landscapes mixed with light orbs, or his dynamic “liquid light” pictures, don’t miss this unique opportunity!

To make the most of this course it is necessary to have at least a basic knowledge of photography and how to adjust the settings on your camera (ISO, aperture and exposure time).
The workshop will be held in the mountains near Madrid, in the town of Rascafría.

Frodo Alvarez (Children Of Darklight)Iris Shyroii, will also be attending the workshop with Denis, to aid with translation duties and anything else which might be necessary.

The total price for the workshop is € 150 which must be paid on the day of the workshop, minus any previously paid reservation fee (20€).


Denis Smith Web Links:

Instagram: the_ball_of_light

Facebook: Denis Smith Photographer



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SKU: Workshop Light painting Paradise Denis Smith Ball Of Light Category: Tags: , ,

The workshop schedule is as follows:

-From 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m we will eat together at the “La Fanega de San Roque” restaurant in Rascafría and have time to meet and get to know each other (Food not included, menu at € 16).


-From 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m we will discuss the concepts and theory behind light painting.

It will consist of:

  • Fundamentals of light Painting
  • A look at various styles of light painting
  • Denis will discuss some of his best images.
  • A look at all the tools we use, and what they do.
  • Inspiration!


-From 20:30 to 2:00 practical class

Denis will show you how he uses our tools to create his art, how he creates his incredible light orbs using the Ball of Light, and then he will show you how to make them yourself.

If it is not too cold, Denis will then enter the water and demonstrate his “Liquid Light” technique.

During the practical part of the workshop, Denis will help you get started, making sure you understand how to create your own images – then the team will help you create your own magic with Light Painting, using a wide range of tools.

Light painting paradise will be by your side all night to ensure everyone comes away happy.

At the end of the night, Denis will show us how he makes his Light Painting portraits, and everyone will go home with their own portrait as a souvenir of the night.


Equipment required to attend the workshop:



*Trigger / Remote Control (with ability to use for “bulb” mode)




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